DY Consultants is the designated Engineer for the Rehabilitation of Taxiway L at Westchester County Airport in New York. The airport services major commercial airlines and plays a pivotal role in the aviation system for New York’s Metropolitan Area.
Taxiway L is a full parallel taxiway to the primary Runway 16-34. The taxiway provides accessibility to Runway 34, the favorable runway end for takeoffs and landings. The continued availability and use of Taxiway L is vital to the operation and efficiency of Westchester County Airport. The rehabilitation of Taxiway L will provide a minimal service life of 15-20 years to the airport.
The rehabilitation of Taxiway L includes the full depth and bituminous rehabilitation and repair of the pavement. DY Consultants will provide pavement evaluations, analysis, and design required for the Rehabilitation of Taxiway L. The taxiway fillet will be designed using the FAA Taxiway Fillet Design tool and constructed to the latest FAA standards. The project area will be regraded to tie to the existing grade. In addition, taxiway lighting, guidance signs, and pavement markings will be replaced.