Eagles Nest Airport is a General Aviation Airport located in West Creek, Ocean County New Jersey contracted with DY Consultants to design and administer the construction of a new parallel taxiway (approx. 3,600 feet) with four connectors to the single runway and an aircraft holding bay. DY Consultants was responsible for the grading and drainage plans, asphalt pavement design, storm-water management, construction safety and phasing plan, taxiway edge lighting plans, drainage details, and erosion and sedimentation control plans while coordinating all environmental, local, and statewide permitting including Ocean County Soil Conservation, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), CAFRA and the Clerk’s Office for Deeds of Consolidation and Zoning.
The challenging aspect of this project was to obtain an environmental Coastal Area Facilities Review Act (CAFRA) permit from NJDEP as the construction of the Taxiway involved within the DEP regulated wetlands and wetlands buffer zone. In addition, the other challenging aspect was the careful planning and timing of the construction of the project within the Runway Safety Area (RSA) of the only Runway 14-32 without significant impact to the aircraft operations at the airport.
DY Consultants provided grant administration services to submit grant applications to the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) to procure the funding for the new Taxiway Project. In addition, DY also provided the following engineering services for this project: Horizontal and Vertical Geometry Design, Structural and Geotechnical Pavement Design, Electrical Engineering, Construction Safety and Phasing, and Maintenance and Protection of Traffic, and Construction Management during the construction period.