Lakewood Airport is a publicly owned facility, which is owned and operated by the Township of Lakewood. The airport consists of a bituminous runway (3,450’ by 60′) and a full parallel taxiway. Runway and taxiway edge lighting systems, PAPI’s, and an airport rotating beacon are provided for visual guidance. In order to ensure the safety of navigable airspace in the vicinity of Lakewood Airport, an obstruction study found that obstructions in the airport environs with the current runway layout which results in a limited usable runway length situation.
Runway 24 had a relocated threshold 296 feet from the end of the full-strength pavement. This provided a standard runway safety area between the end of the runway (the relocated threshold) and the wetlands and the service road. In addition, tree obstructions had caused a 247-foot landing threshold displacement.
This design scope of work for this project included the relocation of the Runway 24 threshold and the installation of a connecting taxiway (Taxiway E) to the relocated threshold locations. The project addressed Runway and Taxiway paving and lighting work, the establishment of a standard RSA, and the design of a new taxiway connector while demolishing the old taxiway connector
We were then responsible for these items of construction:
- Pre-construction meetings
- Construction progress meetings
- Contractor submittals
- Observation reports
- Modifications to the scope
- Payment requisitions
- Change orders
- Semi and final inspection coordination
- Record drawings processing
- Project closeout documents