John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) opened in 1948 and originally operated with one terminal and one runway while serving approximately 200,000 passengers annually. Today, JFK operates with six terminals and four runways. In 2016, the airport accommodated an estimated 450,000 flights and served approximately 59 million passengers. Demand at the airport is expected to increase, with current forecasts estimating activity reaching 100 million annual passengers by 2050.
To accommodate this projected increase, the existing aviation fueling infrastructure throughout the airport needs to be modified to enhance system operation, efficiency and airport expandability and accommodate hydrant fueling requirements at all-new terminal gates. Fuel system modifications will include phased alterations to the bulk fuel farm, satellites fuel farm and fuel transfer, distribution, and hydrant piping network to support JFK Redevelopment Master Plan and Airport Terminal Developer plans while maintaining uninterrupted hydrant fuel service to active gates.
DY’s responsibilities for this project included the following:
- Determined the components of a contact water treatment facility and show the locations of its major components such as the UST holding tank, oil skim AST and oil/water separator and its discharging into sanitary or storm.
- Reviewed the routing of the airside fuel piping and advised on the impact to airport operations since taxiways and facility entrances will be affected by the construction of the piping.
- Provided drawings locating the major components and the relocation of major piping systems needed for the anticipated construction elements.
- Assisted the cost estimating and scheduling subconsultant to understand the civil elements.