The Bayonne Bridge is an arch bridge spanning the Kill Van Kull connecting Bayonne, New Jersey, with Staten Island, New York City. It carries New York State Route 440 and New Jersey Route 440. It is the fifth-longest steel arch bridge in the world and it was the longest in the world at the time of its completion.
From 2013-2019, the bridge is undertaking construction to be elevated from 151 feet to 215 feet. With $200 billion worth of goods flowing through the ports annually, 3.5 million vehicles crossed the Bayonne bridge with limited alternative routes. It was not practical to close either the bridge or the shipping channel during the construction.
The solution was a plan to strengthen the arch and raise the roadway. With a carefully staged construction plan, the bridge successfully remained open to traffic during peak hours with lane closures usually limited to weekends and nights only. The shipping channel remained open throughout the construction. The c became the Port Authority’s first open-road electronic-only toll facility in 2017, using a toll gantry on the Staten Island side of the bridge to register E-ZPass tags and cameras to capture licenses of non-E-ZPass vehicles for billing by mail.
DY Consultants supported the Construction Management Division as Contract Specialists to comply and issue construction forecast reports for the Bridge for internal and external dissemination on a weekly basis; provide advisories for cancellation of construction work to managerial staff at the Communications Desk; maintain and enter vehicle authorization and usage reports for all field inspectors on a weekly basis; verify consultant invoices for payment; schedule meetings and final inspections between contractors, the Resident Engineer’s office and Port Authority staff on Outlook.